Hello there my lovelies :) I'm back, about time too mrs, some of you may run as fast as your little legs can carry you at this news and others may throw a party (not bigging myself up here at all, one bit...)! Huge, mahoosive, hu-billy-bongus apologies for my absence, they weren't lying when then they said the third year of uni was a lot more work, holy moly, i may never surface from a large pile of books and my looming dissertation, lets not panic now though (purely to try and calm myself, panic mode is full scale...). I have so much to show you, I've been loving some new products I've been trying and will get round to telling you all about them, hopefully before I'm grey and old at this rate! Firstly though it has to be said I HEART HALLOWEEN, i love everything about it, so I thought I'd share a few of my halloween pictures with you to get us back into the swing of thing. Naturally i dressed super scary, as a cat, totes....

N'awwwww! I had such a good night, the lovely people in the pictures are some of my housemates from uni, looking horrifically scary for deffs :) Back to the make-up now i suppose, what a shame..NAWWTTTTT!
Hope you're all well & had a frightfully good (tragic jokes are still here) Halloween!
All my love
Loula x
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