What I think: Firstly the bottle needs a good shake, at first oily residue just cam out, not ideal! But after a good shake that soon went! The colour of the primer is lovely and perfect for my skin, but would suit a wide variety of skin tones as when applied it is only a tint and barely noticable. I applied with my fingers and you only need a very small amount for the whole face, so even the sample will last a fair while. ITS SO SILKY, like rubbing a scarf across your face, yum! It really does make the perfect foundation base, I can't deny my pores were minimised, I could barely see the open ones one my nose..score! My foundation stays put pretty well when set anyway so not sure it lasted any longer as thats never really an issue for me. Overall, it really is lovely and I completely understand all the hype surrounding it now. I can see what will happen..bye bye tester, hello full size bottle!
The Porefessional is free in the July 2012 Issue of Glamour (£2 for 7.5ml) and also available from Benefit (£23.50 for 22ml, so technically you could pick up a full size bottle for £6 if you bought 3 Glamours..bargain! Mathematics whizz here!)
Have you tried Porefessional? If not, whip one up whilst they're free in Glamour (its a good read too!)
Loula x